Sunday, December 3, 2006

Hip Flexors Killin' me

what a nice weekend. I took Fri off. beloved and Iwent for a 2.5 hr snowshoe, i canme home and did my first road run of the week. man do treadmills suck. But running on the road was dicy and icy and slow. A short run AHR 122

sat was a good 45 min general aerobic run (AHR 135) 46" with 6 x 100m strides uphill at the end. Felt awesome. Then stretched nicely at a free Hot bikram Yoga. felt great.

Today, sunday, was too much. running thru deep snow trails for 1:33 AHR only 120 but it was tough and I am tight.

Exciting tracking results of jon Brown in Japan and mlord in California today.