Thursday, November 30, 2006

Raw Runner Philosophy in a raw nutshell

The bibles (which are very thin books):

"Thrive" by Brendan Brazier (
"On Sports and Nutrition" by Douglas Graham (

My Philosophy:

Digesting is #1 stressor
The activity that consumes most of our metabolic energy is digestion. It is the most stressful activity our body undergoes- even on the raw vegan diet.

Use your energy
The goal of the athlete is to channel his energy to improving in his sport. The energy wasted on dealing with components of the standard american diet, which is based on meat, wheat and dairy, could be used to aid recovery from training and boost the immune system and motivation.

What if the athlete ate only nutritious food...?
If you eat ONLY foods and beverages that are easy to digest AND full of undamaged nutrients- IN THEIR NATURAL FORM- then your body can recover from training faster and allow you to get more out of your training. The food that meets this criteria is raw fruit, veggies, seeds and nuts. All other foods are inferior- including all supplements.

What if the athlete avoided ALL inferior foods...?
If you AVOID food and beverages that damage your body , cause stress, are difficult to digest, difficult to eliminate OR lack ANY of the basic nutrients such as water, fibre, enzymes, minerals and vitamins-IN THEIR NATURAL FORM - then you maximize the amount of energy and resources your body has available to recover from training. All cooked foods are damaged by cooking or processing.

I have been a guniea pig to see how adopting the above tenets would effect my running. The experiment started Feb 7, 2005. The results have been amazing. This blog is my recommittment to these tenets. I want to use this blog to keep me on track. Maintaining raw in a cooked meat, wheat, dairy, coffee,salt alcohol world is a bigger challenge than the marathon.

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